Saturday, May 5, 2018

Writing Sample: Advice from an Astronaut

Astronaut Wendy Lawrence
spoke at Ball State University on Monday as a part of the Emens Professor
Lecture Series. According to the Kennedy Space Center, Lawrence was the first
female graduate of the United States Naval Academy to go into space.

She was a part of
four different flights into space, where she cumulated 1,225 hours over the
course of her career. According to NASA’s website, Lawrence retired in June 2006.

During her lecture
Lawrence stressed the importance of role models for the next generation of
scientists. Lawrence herself was inspired to become an astronaut at the age of
10, when she saw the Apollo launch on TV. She said these role models needed to
come from different backgrounds because “…You can not be what you cannot see.”

Lawrence also
stressed how vital her support system was to her success, advising the audience
to “…Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed.” She also shared
that one of the most important things she has learned over the course of her
career is that asking for help is “not a sign of weakness” but a sign of “insight
and strength.”  

After she finished
her planned lecture she opened the floor up for questions. Many children stood
eagerly in line behind the microphone, waiting for their turn to ask a

Alex, age 11,
asked Lawrence what her favorite thing to do with duct tape was.

“I know astronauts
use that stuff a lot,” he said.

Lawrence laughed
and said that space travel was practically sponsored by Velcro and duct tape,
insisting that she used it for everything.

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